Day in the Life: Philippa, empowering charities with Salesforce

Pip is a mum and has a background working in fundraising and communications for charities. A friend recommended Salesforce and Supermums and the rest as you say, is history.


  • Course: Salesforce Admin Course
  • Region: EMEA
  • Sector: Charitable Organisations
  • Job Title: Senior Partnerships & Communications Manager
  • Works: Health & Hope UK
  • Lives: Newton Abbot, England, United Kingdom
Philippa decided to upskill and accelerate her Salesforce career because.. 

I was working in the charity sector in Fundraising & Communications. I had used Salesforce before at one of the charities I’d worked for and helped to transition the organisation on to Salesforce as their new CRM.  

I had recently returned from maternity leave and had gone into a role which wasn’t working out for me. I decided it was the right time for me to look at other options and upskill myself; do something that would not only give me confidence, but a skill I could take into my next role and potentially give me a new career direction. I didn’t want to work full time and needed to have a balance that would work with childcare. 


Philippa decided to upskill in Salesforce Admin Course with Supermums because.. 

The Supermums course gave me the structure, format, timeframe and motivation to pass my certificate. It was very easy to build around my work and family commitments. Without it, I would have stopped as life just gets in the way. 


It was great to have the weekly webinars and communication from the Supermums team to help keep me motivated. I couldn’t watch the webinars live as I worked on that day of the week, so I did them at a time that suited me and I didn’t feel like I was detached from the course.  


I had used Salesforce previously but only from the user side, so it was really helpful to see things from a consultant’s point of view during the work experience project in terms of implementing Salesforce for a client.  I had a conversation with my Project Manager before starting the work experience and we talked about things I had done previously and what would be more applicable to me in my roles. It was tailored to whatever I needed.  


Philippa was able to launch her new Salesforce career successfully because…. 

Every charity has some sort of database system that they use to look after their supporters, so from that perspective, all those skills are transferable in terms of how I want to use Salesforce.  

My current role came up while I was doing the course. The organisation I work for uses Salesforce, so it was a selling point for my boss because having someone who was qualified made things so much easier for him. 


Salesforce is only a small part of my current role, but the course has solidified what I want to do longer term. When I am ready to look at a more focused Salesforce role, I will have a lot more experience under my belt, sand I feel that will only be beneficial for me in the future. 


Philippa has now successfully achieved a Salesforce career that offers her….  

I’m a Senior Partnership & Communications Manager for Health & Hope UK, I always work remotely from home as we don’t have an office. I work four days a week but it’s really flexible.  

I think one of the great things is Supermums’ mission to support mums into flexible and meaningful careers. There’s not a lot of organisations out there that are focusing on this and until I became a Mum, I didn’t realise how important this is.  If I need to juggle childcare, I can just pick up my work another time.  That is what I see for my career in the long term in terms of the options it gives me to use my skills in a flexible role within another organisation, or to do some freelance work and dictate how much and when I do my work.  

Salesforce has been really good for me at this point in my career. When your career stagnates, you can learn something new, develop new skills, and I remind myself that I can grow and learn.  

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