Helping Parents find Flexible Roles with Salesforce – #ParentsFlexUp

By Jennifer Wood

We want to inspire women, and parents, about the flexibility of Salesforce Careers and encourage them to launch a career in the Salesforce eco-system
This week we have launched our #ParentsFlexUp Campaign to raise awareness of the flexible career opportunities available to parents. There are Parents who are surviving not thriving in the world and together we can ‘change lives for the better’ by helping parents to live out their best lives.
Parents may be sacrificing precious time with their family or loved ones, commuting long distances, working unsociable hours, not realising their potential – unaware of another way of living and working. There are many reasons why parents want to flex their career to accomplish their range of goals.
Following the pandemic we are seeing the Great Resignation wave as people desire more flexibility as they strive for a different life, whilst companies are fast realising they need to offer to flexible policies and opportunities to attract and retain staff. In the age of changing desires it’s important to understand what parents want to make sure you are offering the right package. Based on a recent poll, the number 1 priority was remote working, followed by 2 ) flexible hours, 3) remote and flexible hours followed by 4) hybrid working and part-time came 5th on the list.
Flexible Career Opportunities
Many parents are considering their flexible career options and a career within the Salesforce eco-system is definately one to consider.
Back in 2016 when we launched Supermums we already recognised that many Salesforce roles were already pretty flexible which made it a great career route for mums looking for flexible work. Roll on to 2022 and the flexibility has just exploded following the pandemic as it changed people’s possibilities and desires. With Salesforce CRM being a cloud based software it really is possible to work remotely some if not all of the time.
Parents have seen the light by deciding to retrain on the Supermums Salesforce Admin Programme and successfully launch their Salesforce career and they exclaim how much it has changed their life for the better. Create your #ParentsFlexUp Career Plan with our 5 day Salesforce Career Challenge.
Supermums Success Stories
Kully – Remote Business Analyst
“I retrained as an expat in Dubai and have since worked remotely as a Salesforce professional in 3 countries. I now live and work for a UK Salesforce Consultancy. “
Kati – Freelance Salesforce Consultant
“I relaunched my career after being a stay at home mum. As a empty nester I decided to retrain and secured a remote Business Analyst role with a large USA Consultancy.”
Jennifer – Marketing & PR Manager
“I skilled up with Salesforce as I was made redundant after having a baby. I now work for specialise in marketing and Pardot, a e-marketing Salesforce solution.”

Sherrian – Part Time Salesforce Admin
“I retrained from being a teacher from South Africa and now work part time remotely as a Salesforce professional whilst living in the north of England.”

Jill – Flexible Salesforce Consultant
After being a stay at home mum I retrained in an international certification so I could work as an expat in Germany. I now work as a Salesforce Consultant.”

“I was as a stay at home for 16 years and had to relaunch my career. Originally from USA I am an expat in Isreal and now work as a Salesforce Administrator. “
Salesforce Champions Flexibility throughout the Eco-System
Salesforce always sets the pace as the inspirational company and other companies follow suit
“For the past two years, we’ve moved to a #SuccessFromAnywhere strategy to attract and retain the very best talent. One way we’re doing this is by adding more remote roles to our workforce. In fact, ‘remote’ became our number one hiring location in 2021. By focusing on the way we hire, rather than where we hire, we’re tapping into new talent — broadening our search beyond city centers and welcoming incredible talent from new communities and geographies.”
Nathalie Scardino, Executive Vice President of Global Recruiting, Salesforce
At Supermums Recruitment we have seen many companies from corporates to boutique consultancies and customers implement new remote and hybrid strategies that support employees to live out their best life whilst also feeling inclusive.
Spread the Word about the #ParentsFlexUp Campaign
Supermums is on a mission to help people see the light and we need your help.
Get involved – If you resonate with the #parentsflexup campaign story then please take 5 minutes to share your story on social media about how your life changed for the better when you launched your Salesforce career and signpost them to our ‘What is a Salesforce Career’ landing page so people can learn more.
To support your message please find example copy below which you can complement with an emotive happy image of you and your family or with work colleagues or the campaign image below. Don’t forget to tag @supermumsglobal and use the hashtags #parentsflexup #salesforce #parents #flexibility #professionalwomen
- “ I used to work xxx and i was struggling to xx – Since launching my new career I am now able to xxx..
- “ I was just surviving juggling xxx and xxx – but since transferring my skills to Salesforce I am now thriving as a xxx….
- “ I didn’t think i could return to work as a parent and xx but since retraining I can now balance both xx and xxx…
- “Upskilling as a Salesforce professional changed my life, I am now able to do xxx . You can achieve the same……
If you want to find out more about thriving as a Salesforce professional then click here and join the free Career Challenge to create your #ParentsFlexup Career Plan and join our next Discovery session hosted by Supermums:
- EMEA Discovery Session – 15th August @ 8.30pm BST. Click to register.
- USA Discovery Session – 10th August @ 9.30am PT / 11.30am CT / 12.30pm ET – Click to register.
Back our campaign
Share this blog or article and drop an email to let Rachel, our Global Community Manager us know if you can share your story.
Keen to get more involved? Why not become a Supermums Ambassador
If you are keen to be part of the ongoing campaign team register here –

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