Mums on Cloud Nine Podcast Show
Mums on Cloud Nine aims to inspire mums to progress their careers in tech from starting out to climbing the career ladder. We provide tips and insight on how to succeed in your career and overcome adversity that many women can face in the workplace.
The podcast show is delivered by Heather Black, CEO of Supermums, a global brand supporting mums to upskill and transition into the tech sector.
Series 7 coming soon.
Thank you to our previous podcast sponsor RB, in partnership with Enfa. If you would like to sponsor future series, please get in touch at hello@supermums.org

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S2 E2 – The road to being a Marketing Cloud Consultant
Rosie shares how she transitioned from being a marketing manager to marketing cloud consultant.
S2 E1 – What job would suit you?
In this episode Heather talk’s about the importance of understanding what is important to you. What do you really enjoy? And what don’t you?
S1 E10 – How to define your success
In the last episode of series 1, Heather talks about how to know what’s important and exercises to help you improve these areas.
S1 E9 – How to define and sell yourself!
In this episode we meet Ruth Kudzi, a business coach who is helping women to transform how they define and sell themselves.
S1 E8 – Deloitte Digital and Maternity Leave
In this episode we meet Gillian Simpson, Director at Deloitte Digital for the past 10 years.
S1 E7 – Business women in the technology industry
In this episode we will meet Victoria Peppiatt, co-founder and CEO of Phrasee, a marketing technology company that empowers brands with AI powered copywriting to meet marketing performance and revenue.
S1 E6 – The Retail Sector and Salesforce
In today’s episode we’re talking to Cathy McCabe, mum, CEO of Proximity Insight, lover of retail, technology and queen of customer experience.
S1 E5 – How to achieve gender equality
In today’s episode we’re talking to Anna Bancroft on how to have a gender balance in the workplace and how that can be used for productivity and performance for a company.

About Heather
Heather is a certified NLP Coach and founder of a Salesforce Consultancy and Supermums Recruitment and Training. She decided to launch her Salesforce career in 2012 as she felt it would offer her exciting career opportunities alongside the flexibility and financial reward she wanted to maintain whilst starting a family and relocating to the coast. Fast forward to 2020, she now has a team of 30 staff, can work virtually and trains over 100 people a year to progress their careers in the salesforce eco-system. With an extensive background in speaking, coaching training and employability support, she is passionate about empowering people with the right skills, attributes and knowledge to be successful in their career. Connect with Heather on LinkedIn