How to Study for the Salesforce Service Cloud Certification

By Heather Black

January 10, 2023
4 min read

There is a real difference between learning enough to pass an exam vs learning enough to really understand a product and being able to implement it. When you showcase the Service Cloud Certification on your CV, employers expect you to truly understand the product and to have the confidence to implement it.

At Supermums we take learning seriously and we want you to be the best Salesforce professional you can be.

Successfully passing your Service Cloud Certification should represent the following traits:

  • You can confidently conduct business analysis, ask the right questions and gather requirements on the Service Cloud solution.
  • You can confidently implement the Service Cloud product for a team
  • You can confidently demo the Service Cloud product in an interview
  • You know how to advance the Service Cloud product with third party apps

We therefore recommend the following study tips to really help you get equipped and knowledgeable in the Service Cloud:

  1. Check out the Exam Guide, so you know what topics are covered in the exam. Assess your existing theoretical and practical knowledge of these areas, in particular those areas that carry the greatest weight of questions.

3. Attend the Supermums FREE Peer Certification Study Groups to create motivation and accountability – Find out when our next one is on.

4. Build a Demo of Service Cloud in a Dev Org and really get familiar with all of the functionality and be able to demonstrate your skills to a prospective employer or client.

5. Produce a Business Analysis Questionnaire and Presentation Deck which enables you to gather all of the functional and non-functional requirements related to implementing a Service Cloud Solution and consider all of the technical considerations for requirement you gather to know your options. We equip learners with out of the box Service Cloud BA scripts and presentations on our Supermums Consultancy Skills Course.

6. Test your knowledge ready for the exam with Focus On Force Questions

7. Understand how to extend the functionality of the Service Cloud Solution with a range of third party apps. Some of the most commonly used ones for Service Cloud could be..


Everybody loves working with images, but dislikes lost time and confusing complexity.

SharinPix makes it possible to create and configure your own optimized use of images in all your business processes, without code! Add SharinPix into your Service Cloud solution to easily add, attach and save images taken by customers or field agents.


Harness the power of video in your Service Cloud Solution to record events. Just tap “Record” during the service call, capture a quick video and then tag it *internal* or *client-ready* or any tag. Then let speech-to-text create automated notes, get unprecedented visibility on your field operations, and delight your customers with video-powered Service Reports.


Create custom docs, forms, apps, e-signatures, and surveys with Titan’s full-suite of enterprise applications designed to integrate seamlessly with Salesforce data across your entire organization to extend your Service Cloud Solution.


Written By:

Heather Black
Heather is the founder of Supermums Recruitment and Training. With an extensive background in Salesforce Consultancy, Career Coaching and Training she is passionate about empowering people with the right skills, attributes and knowledge to be successful in their career.

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