Shine Your Light with Positive Affirmation Screensavers
The Benefits of Positive Affirmations
Affirmations foster a positive mental attitude to put you in a better mind-space for positive thinking and self-empowerment. Here are Supermums we encourage our team, trainees and clients to use them in their daily lives to help them focus on a goal or pushing themselves to achieve something. Daily affirmations offer a range of proven benefits:
1. They Motivate Us
Reciting affirmations can motivate us to achieve a goal or when when we’re struggling and need something positive to focus on. For instance, if you tell yourself that you’re a good worker, you’re more motivated to complete a task than if you constantly say, “I can’t do this / I’m lazy / I don’t want to do this!” Your thoughts can manifest reality and motivate your actions.
2. They Improve Our Quality of Life
Practicing positive affirmations makes you feel more optimistic and happier with a clearer perspective on what you want in life. People who recite daily affirmations are more focused and capable of making the right decisions in difficult situations.
3. They Boost Confidence
Positive affirmations help you learn to be the best version of yourself, so you no longer have to pretend to be anyone else. When you tell yourself that you’re confident and capable, you’re more likely to embody those beliefs.
4. They Lead to Better Health
Science has proven that people who think positively feel better and live longer lives compared to those who don’t. Rather than get caught up in negative emotions, focus on positive affirmations in the face of stress. You’ll start to feel better both mentally and physically.
5. They Cultivate Better Relationships
Positive affirmations can help you make better first impressions. Just think, if you tell yourself that you attract ease in all areas of your life, including your relationships with others, you’re more likely to walk into a social setting with confidence. Your friendships and romantic relationships enjoy an instant boost!
6. They Set Us Up For Success
Since positive affirmations help us focus on all the good in our lives rather than the failures, we’re more open to learning or trying new things. Don’t be surprised if you experience more success in your career after practicing positive affirmations.
The best way to get started in harnessing the power of daily affirmations is to simply start saying them every day. You’ll probably feel silly at first, but keep at it until you feel your beliefs shifting in a more positive direction. If you’re having trouble remembering to recite daily affirmations, create a vision board, listen to Heather’s podcast about how to create goals and manifest them or download our screensavers and have them on your phone, laptop or print them out and stick them in places that you will see them repeatedly throughout the day such as the fridge, mirrors, your office or front door, as a physical reminder of your intention.