S1 E1 – Have a Life You Love!

Series 1
Epsiode 1
20 Mins

On our first Mums on Cloud Nine podcast, Heather explain’s how what it takes to create a life you love to ultimately become a mum on cloud nine.

Carving out a career you enjoy is one aspect but equally finding balance with responsibilities and connections with your family and co-workers is another.

Heather shares her journey and top tips on how to find balance.

Episode Highlights

Being a women in tech gives you the opportunities to work remotely, but what else helps you achieve the balance and flexibility you desire to truly be a mum on cloud nine. Heather shares her top tips based on her own personal experience about:

  • Ways to juggle responsibilities
  • Self-motivation
  • Managing digital boundaries
  • Creating a support community

This podcast is sponsored by RB, in partnership with Enfa.

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